Although we are lucky to receive support from Duke, running such a strong invitational tournament and competing year round unfortunately both entail significant costs. Our travel expenses, hotel stays, and tournament registration fees will cost us much more than we are able to receive from the university.
As a result, we are seeking sponsorship of the 19th Annual Tobacco Road Invitational.
Gold Sponsor
For $1,000, you are designated a “Gold Sponsor" and will have your biography and business card inside the tournament packet, along with the chance to speak to all the teams at our opening/closing ceremonies or at your own booth at the courthouse.
Silver Sponsor
With a $750 donation, you are designated a “Silver Sponsor” and will have your logo published on our website, as well as your biography and business card printed inside the tournament packet which is given to all 250 competitors.
Bronze Sponsor
With a $500 donation, you are designated a "Bronze Sponsor" and will have your logo published on our website and printed in the tournament packet, which is given to all 250 competitors.
Sponsoring Duke Mock Trial is an excellent way to showcase your law firm, test prep company, or other business to students, many of whom will wind up practicing law in the RTP area. On a more direct level, our club desperately needs the funding in order to help us continue our recent success. In order for our club to give everyone a fair shot at learning trial advocacy, we need additional revenue to cover our travel expenses.
Please reach out to Mary Hutchinson with any questions about sponsoring!